
Di Hu

Associate Professor (tenure-track)

Di Hu is tenure-track faculty at Gaoling School of Artificial IntelligenceRenmin University of China. Before that, he was previously a research scientist at Baidu Research. Di Hu obtained the Ph.D degree from Northwestern Polytechnical University in 2019, supervised by Xuelong Li. Currently, Di Hu is leading the GeWu Lab and exploring how to understand and interact with the world via the natural multimodal messages. He is an aficionado of cognitive neuroscience and has wrote one study note during his undergraduate. Inspired by what he learned from cognitive neuroscience, and what he observed and deliberated from the daily-life, he strongly convinced that the pervasive, free, natural multimodal messages can provide sufficient information for perceiving, learning and understanding environment, even the agent itself, which promisingly makes multimodal learning become one of the key to achieve machine intelligence.

Ph.D Students

Guangyao Li

Since 2020

Guangyao is a Ph.D. Candidate at GeWu-Lab, Gaoling School of Artificial Intelligence, Renmin University of China, advised by Prof. Di Hu. He got his master degree at China Agricultural University in 2020 and got into GeWu-Lab since then. His recently research interests include audio-visual learning and scene understanding. And he hopes to brave the no-man’s land on the road of scientific research and make warm artificial intelligence research! People who are interested in my research domain are very welcome and do not hesitate to contact me actively. For more information, please visit his personal homepage. Valar Morghulis!

Yake Wei

Since 2021

Yake is a PhD student at Gaoling School of Artificial Intelligence, Renmin University of China. She received her bachelor’s degree in Computer Science and Technology from University of Electronic Science and Technology of China in 2021. Now her research interests focus on the effective mechanism of multi-modal learning.


Wenke Xia

Since 2022

Wenke is a Ph.D student since 2022 Fall at Gaoling School of Artificial Intelligence, Renmin University of China, advised by Prof. Di Hu. His research interests include reinforcement learning and embodied AI. Now, he focus on building a generalizable manipulation policy with computer vision.

Wenxuan Hou

Since 2022

Wenxuan is a second-year Ph.D student in the GeWu-Lab, Gaoling School of Artificial Intelligence, Renmin University of China. He has got his bachelor’s degree and master’s degree in Northwestern Polytechnical University and Xi’an Jiaotong University, respectively. Now his main research focuses on multimodal learning towards real-world scene understanding, aiming to guide the machine to perceive and understand natural scenes like human beings.

Zequn Yang

Since 2022
Co-advised by Feiping Nie

Zequn is a second-year Ph.D. student at GeWu-Lab, Gaoling School of Artificial Intelligence, Renmin University of China. He currently focuses on the mechanism of multi-modal learning, including theoretical comprehension and algorithm design. He also has a keen interest in developing efficient and effective multi-view clustering techniques utilizing machine learning methods.

Master Students


Xincheng Pang

Since 2022

Xincheng is a master student in GeWu-Lab at Renmin University of China, advised by Prof. Di Hu. Currently his research interests focus on scene understanding in embodied ai with multi-modal.


Henghui Du

Since 2023

Henghui is a first-year master student in GeWu-Lab at Gaoling School of Artificial Intelligence, Renmin University of China, advised by Prof. Di Hu. He has got his bachelor’s degree in Dalian University of Technology in 2023. Currently his research instrests focus on Large language Models and cross-modal generation.


Ruoxuan Feng

Since 2023

Ruoxuan is a first-year master student in GeWu-Lab at Gaoling School of Artificial Intelligence, Renmin University of China, advised by Prof. Di Hu. He is interested in multi-modal learning and embodied AI.

Research Assistant


Jingxian Lu

Visiting Student, 2023

Jingxian is a fourth-year student of Gaoling School of Artificial Intelligence, Renmin University of China. He is interested in robot manipulation and perception from interaction.


Juncheng Ma

Visiting Student, 2023

Juncheng is a third-year student of School of Artificial Intelligence, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences. His research interests include audio-visual localization and segmentation.


Peiwen Sun

Visiting Student, 2023

Peiwen is a second-year MPhil student of the Department of Artificial Intelligence, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications. He is interested in multimodal learning including sentiment, segmentation and foundation models.


Siwei Li

Visiting Student, 2023

Siwei is a fourth-year student of the Department of Electronic Engineering, Tsinghua University. He is interested in image editing with generative diffusion models and image deblurring.


Yaoting Wang

Visiting Student, 2023

Yaoting is currently working as an intern at the Deepwise AI Lab for multimodal medical data processing. He received his master’s degree from the University of Edinburgh in 2022. His research interests include multimodal deep learning, cross-modal transformers, and affective computing.



Jianghan Chao


Jinlin Li


Ce Liang


Shaoxuan Xu



Ruize Xu

Undergraduate, Since 2021


Xiaokang Peng

Since 2020(Graduated in 2023)


Yixin Xu

Since 2020(Graduated in 2023)


Rui Qian

Visiting Student, 2021


Andong Deng

Visiting Student, 2022